Eighteen ; And Even Two Dozen Sometimes Appear ; Nine
and ten It has been well remarked that any Bruce who in the present are common, and less than five rarely are recorded. Long life, too, d ay asserts his legitimate male descent,......
Wicked" Opinions.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Siu,—I don't intend to interfere in your dispute with " W.R.G." But first, as a member of the same profession with yourself, and, secondly,......
It Is E Q Ually Difficult T O Re A D This Book, To Criticize
it, and to see why it should, have been wr itten. Mr. Mont g omery undertakes to vindicate Steele a g ainst,thessneer of Macaulay a n d the carica- ture of Th a ck e r a ,y,,In......
Te!,,ttyntigini . Tis [to Tim Editor Of Tfie Spectator."]...
upon Irel a nd, in your last „ n umber, you speak of that sort o f Tenaiii s 'r; e iht Which is " incg a putably ; f a i r ,,, lust," aSiiiitinStied fk io in that whi c h ie 1......