23 OCTOBER 1926, page 29

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Sir Richard Burton, who spoke seventeen languages with fluency, took only three' weeks to acquire a new speech. He studied in short, intense snatches of not more than a quarter......

A Little Learning Is By No Means A Dangerous Thing

in the matter of languages : half a sentence is incomparably superior to no speech among foreigners. A vocabulary, however small, is essential in order to enjoy the human......

Travel Notes

1 . , OND experience in travelling over Europe has convinced me of this : that English people do not realize the value—indeed the necessity, if they would be comfortable--of......

The Englishman In Italy 'his Italian Has Come To England

in the spirit rather than in the flesh : he has come with the justice and government of Caesar, with the Christianity of St. Augustine, with the piety' and learning of Lanfranc......