Further Evidence Concerning The Murder Of' Lord William...
given yesterday before the Bow Street Magistrates. The witnesses were the cook and housemaid, Lord William's coachmen, Mr. Pector's coachman, the butler of Mr. Latham, who lived......
Br Court.
AST:J.1:S A mphizbeatre, the Ancient Concert at the llanover Square Rooms, and the Italian Opera have afforded anntseineut to the Queen and the Prince tl:is week. The opera was......
Zbr Stirtropolis. At A R.:eet:itg Of The Common Conned On
Thursday, ere freedom of the City was presented to Lord Sea t011, The Chansbcri..in, James Shaw, delivered a complimentary mblress on the oceivien ; Lord Seaton returned an......
Debatts Anb Likorcetiings In Parliament.
REGISTRATION Or IRISH VOTERS. The House of Commons was occupied the first three nights of the week with a debate on Lord Stanley's bill "to amend the laws relating to the......