23 JUNE 1984, page 21

Green Recipe

Sir: I hope, and believe, that no reader will pay attention to a word Digby Anderson writes (Food, 16 June) about green salad. Anyone who believes he can tell the difference......


Slave trade S ir: I am surprised that there should be any doubts about the legal aspect of 'surrogate m otherhood' in this country or why the Home Secretary should be expected......

George Calderon

Sir: Does anyone know the whereabouts of the papers or kin of George Calderon (1868-1915), polymath and first man to stage Chekhov in English? All other at- tempts to locate......

Maccarthy 's Masterpiece

Sit: In his review (Books, 2 June) of Lord David Cecil's collection of Desmond a cCarthy's writing, George Clive writes: Th ere is no sense here of an unwritten Mas terpiece.' I......

Feminine Nero?

Sir: As probably the last surviving soloist — albeit a minor one — in the Oxford University Opera Club's historical introduction to the theatre of Monteverdi's Coronation of......


Sir: Or perhaps it should be Ola! since you have chosen to print a rather redundant, slow-in-the-uptake tailwag postscript (Letters, 16 June) from the similarly describable......

Sir: May I Congratulate You On Introducing A Weekly Wine

and food column. I add my congratulations to the (young?) author, Digby Anderson, for preparing for us the perfect journalistic vinaigrette. The oil of good advice blends......