23 FEBRUARY 1884, page 13

An English Catholic On Ireland.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE " BPECTATOR.1 SIR,—Your correspondent, "A Tory Catholic," is mistaken in supposing I "have recently resigned" my place in the Catholic Union. I never even......

Letters To The Editor.

THE DUKE OF ARGYLL ON DRAINAGE LOANS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,-I have been much struck by the comments you have made and the questions you have asked as to the "......

[to The Ed/tor Of The " Svectator."3

SIR,—Will you allow me to say a few words, partly in reply to "D. G.'s " letter of last week, partly, I am sorry to have to acknowledge, in corroboration of his indictment. Most......

The Clergy And Vivisection.

(TO THB EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT011;11 SIR,—The charitable supposition of your correspondent, "J. P. Wright," that it is conscientious, though mistaken, self-sacrifice which......