Literature Into Life
SIR,—Mr. Newton thinks that when I feel alarm at the presumption I seem to see among teachers and students of English, I am afraid only of a bogey of my own devising; Mr. Hough......
Sir,—it Would Be A Pity Of The Rev. Austin Lee's
letter gave your readers in the South of England the impression that the clergymen of the North were all frustrated and embittered. There are frustrated and ambiitered......
'1 Am A Pornographer'
Sin,—Again Mr. Nicolas Walter is correct and must compliment him on his excellent detective AA orlk, but surely Mr. Girodias must be conversant with th e editorial policy of The......
SIR,-1 am, and have long been, an admirer of Isabe Quigly's film criticism, but I feel that her natnra loathing of Nazism and all its works has impaired her judgment in her......
Sir,—full Marks To Miss Quigly For Her Remark On The
film about Captain Rogge. Of course she , right in saying or implying that any person w11 helped the Nazis prolong their war by making speck exploits in their cause helped fill......