23 APRIL 1881, page 3

Mr. Gibson, Who Is Rising Fast In The Tory Ranks,

on Tuesday made a political speech at Burton-on-Trent. He charged the Ministry with increasing expenditure by two millions a year,— a result entirely of the previous Ministry's......

Mr. Charles Darwin, The Great Naturalist, Has Written A...

to Professor Holmgreu, of Upsala, on the subject of Vivisection, published in the Times of Monday last. In that letter, which defends vivisection wherever the interests of......

The Talcs' Correspondent In India States That Some...

the recent Indian census have been published, from which it appears that among the 44,000,000 inhabitants of the North- West Provinces and Gude, the increase of population has......

At The Annual Conference Of Elementary Teachers, Held On...

and Tuesday in Lambeth, a rather savage paper on the defects of the existing system was read by the Rev. E. F. MacCarthy, of King Edward's School, Birmingham. It condemned......

Consols Were On Friday 100l To 101.


The Daily News Has Been Enabled To Publish A Most

import- ant communication from St. Petersburg. Unfortunately, it appeared on Tuesday, the day of Lord Beaconsfield's death, and as Englishmen can only think of one thing at one......

The Correspondent Of The Standard At Heidelberg, The New...

of the Transvaal, telegraphs on April 16th that the Volksraad had met, and that the leaders, Kruger, Jonbert, and. Pretorius, have been invested with powers to meet the British......

A Message From Hong Kong Of March 23rd, Published Through

Reuter, announces a fact of very grave importance. Tao 'Tsung Tang has been appointed President of the Board of War, besides receiving other high honours. This means that the......