22 SEPTEMBER 1973, page 5

Breast Feeding

git . I applaud with much gratitude and Praise John Linklater's article on The Decline and Fall of the Breast (September 8). It is appalling to find that oniething as natural as......

Sir: Dr Linklater In His Interesting Article On The Decline

and fall of the breast (September 8) does not tell us why our women now have stopped breast-feeding their babies. Why are there now so many unwanted babies? Why do we hear so......

Sir: How Sad That Dr J. Linklater Should Decide To

give his male chauvinistic views an airing in an article entitled 'The Decline and Fall of the Breast' (September 8). Whilst no-one could disagree that a breast-fed baby is......

Amateur Fraud?

Sir: Mr Ackroyd's article on Gilbert Murray (September 8) amateur fraud just will not do. Was Gilbert Murray a fraud? Well concludes Mr Ackroyd, yes, of course, in a way that is......

Squalor And Splendour

Sir: When I read M. Marc Girouard's review of The Victorian City (September 8), several questions came to mind. How did the appalling poverty happen? (This is fairly well known......


Sir: I know it is discourteous of publishers to complain about unfavourable reviews and your reviewers have every right to dislike our hooks. 1 do think, however, that they have......

Irish Go Home

Sir: Ulster having been destroyed, the Republicans are now turning their attention to the mainland. In world war two, before a single civilian had died as a result of enemy......