22 NOVEMBER 1969, page 30

Mortgage And Loan Brokers

Sir: Have any of your readers had recent dealings with loan brokers or mortgage brokers? We are doing some research into the activities of these brokers—to find out what service......

Henry Morris

Sir: I am planning to write a biography of the -We Henry Morris. A large number" of papers and letters. has already been collected by friends and made available to me, but if......


No. 580: Rave review Set by W. F. N. Watson : Richard Williams's review, in a recent issue of Melody Maker, of the Lennon-Ono 'Wedding Album' includes a lyrical rave about sides......

Chess 466

PHILIDOR M. Zucker (Schoch, 1959). White to play anp mate in four moves; solution next week. Solution to no. 465 (Markwick): Kt-B5., threat Q x B. 1 . . . Q xPch; 2 Kt(5)x Q......