Artists And Animals.
T HE addition of a conscientious and sympathetic worker to the ranks of British animal-painters is always welcome ; and the interesting, if unequal, sketches in pastel by Mr. J.......
Mr. Stanley.
ITO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] Six, Having read in the Spectator of November 15th, I confess with astonishment, your verdict of Mr. Stanley, in the article on the sad......
Letters To The Editor.
LIABILITY FOR MURDERS COMMITTED ABROAD. [To THY EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIE,—The article on " The African Horrors," in your issue of the 15th inst., reads as though it may......
Mr. Gladstone And Church Defence.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPIICTATOR."1 Six,—I crave a small portion of your apace to express my demurral as well to the reasoning as to the accuracy of " A Churchman," who writes......
Politics And Religion.
ITO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR...1 Siu,—In an article entitled " Radicalism and Revelation," in the Spectator of November 15th, some observations are made which, as a regular......