The Greatest Speech Of The Week Was Not Made In
Parliament. Lord Hartington delivered the most masterly speech of his life at Bradford on Tuesday, to a meeting which was by no means composed exclusively of Unionists. After......
It Is Refreshing To Find So Sound A Radical As
Mr. Lyulph Stanley taking up such solid ground against the Government's policy for Ireland as he took up in his letter to Mr. Bodden, of Oldham, published this day fortnight in......
On Monday, Mr. Stansfeld Commenced His Reply To Sir R.
Cross, who had opened the Irish debate in a very moderate but not otherwise remarkable speech, by a powerful attack on Lord Salisbury's speech of Saturday, and then proceeded to......
On The Same Day, Mr. A. W. Hall, M.p. For
Oxford, drew a picture of Irish Alabamas ' scouring the seas to put an end to our commerce, while an Irish rebellion was carefully prepared in the interior of the island, a......
Much The Ablest Speech Of The Week On The Side
of the Govern- ment was that delivered on Monday night by Mr. Bryce. It was a speech not only of large knowledge, but of great skill, and yet not at all wanting in candour. It......
Mr. Bryce Illustrated The Advantages Which He Expected...
proposed measure by the case of Iceland, which for thirty years sustained a struggle against the power of the Danish Monarchy. In 1874, legislative independence was con- ceded,......
Lord Hartington Drew In Vigorous And Telling Lines A Hasty
sketch of the drift of Mr. Gladstone's scheme. The statutory Legislature in Dublin could, if it pleased, make a new criminal code; could abolish trial by jury, and the Habeas......
Mr. Shaw-lefevre's Speech On Tuesday Was Remarkable For...
the special circumstances of Ireland, and for constituting simply a panegyric on autonomy as a cure for sectional jealousies, although in Scotland these jealousies have......