22 MAY 1880, page 1

Mr. Forster, Replying To The Irish Demand For A Promise

to investigate the land question, said that no statesman who had. given any attention to Irish subjects doubted that the attempt to improve Ireland always brought you back to......

There Was An Interlude In The General Debate In The

Lords, - the Duke of Marlborough and Earl Spencer, two passed Viceroys, fighting over the non-renewal of the Peace Preserva- tion Act. The Duke observed that secret associations......

News Of The Week. •

P A_RLIAMENT was opened for business on the 20th inst. The Queen's Message, though not long, was very signifi- cant of the change which has come over affairs. Her Majesty hopes,......

The Debate In The Lords Was Tame. Lord Beaconsfield Wished

to know what "active measures" the Government pro- posed to take in Turkey ; asked an explanation of the sending of an Extraordinary Ambassador; joked about the promise to......

In The House Of Commons, Where The Address Was Moved

and seconded, with unusual ability, by Mr. Albert Grey and Mr. Hugh Mason respectively, the former supporting a foreign policy of sympathy, and the latter lending his sanction......

Mr. O'connor Power, In Moving An Amendment Expressive Of The

wish that the Irish land question should receive immediate attention, "with a view to legislation," reproached the Ministry with the meagre character of their programme, and......

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