The Benefit Concerts.
Tr is quite impossible that we can hear one-half of these concerts. As it is, we almost live in some part or other of the King's Theatre ; but to be condemned to listen to every......
Theatricals—fa \v( :im's Farewell.
COVENT GARDEN had a leave-taking on Thursday night ; bluff JACK FAWCETT has retired. Mr. FAWCETT has been long, and not undeservedly, a favourite with the public. As a stage ma-......
The Bar And The Church. Abraham Des — "put Powder In Their
drink !"—The Tailors. THE Church, of late, has had a sorry time of it. What with Ca- tholics and Jews, its boldest friends have had reason to quake ; but of all.the attacks on......
:roh.i . Unza Or A Paintirici.
lieu Gloria hr a curious Bow Street investigation of an alleged robbery, it appeared that a picture, valued by the owner at ten guineas, had been withdrawn from a lodging-house,......