Napoleon And Eugenll
"Iv was never supposed that a man so cold and calculating as Louis Napoleon would have made a love-match," says not only one contemporary, but that peculiarly babbling fellow......
Tee Machinery For Prohibiting Railway "accidents."
Tin recent fatal accident on the Buckinghamshire branch of the North-western Railway, the verdict of the Jury fastening a charge of manslaughter on one of the servants who at......
English Law In India.
Tire progress of Law-reform in India has been obstructed and perverted by difficulties inherent in the country, and in the na- tural as well as artificial discrepancies between......
Hang Or Not - Its Ng P
A FZW very ugly cases of murder have been before the public lately : the criminals have been tried, convicted, and hanged ; and the indiscriminate efforts of the humanitarians......