22 AUGUST 1941, page 18
Four Hundred Evacuees
The Cambridge Evacuation Survey. Edited by Susan Isaacs. (Methuen. 8s. 6d.) BILLETING-OFFICERS, teachers, housewives,' parents, children—an almost random sample from every......
High Politics In Russia New Horizons. By J. T. Murphy.
(Godley Head. iss.) Embittered by and full of contempt for the leaders of Labour, who had become the allies of the Governments in the war, flushed by the triumph of the Russian......
At The Level Of The Beast
Kabloona. By Gontran de Poncins. (Cape. I2S. 6d.) THE reviewer of today turns his eyes to the past with a certain longing, to such spectacles as Carlyle giving i8,000 words to......