Tag Quarterlies.
Tnu April Quarterly, among many articles of interest, has a particularly attractive paper on " The Adams Family," by Mr. Worthington Chauncey Ford. That brilliant book, The......
Mr. Perish?. History Of Modern England (cassell. 4 Vols. £3
3s. net). The third and fourth volumes, now published, cover the periods 1874-92 and 1892-1914, and give the history of the times as viewed through the pages of Panels, with......
A Magnificent Farce.
Mu. A. EDWARD NEWTON, the well-known American bibliophile, has written another pleasant and amusing book about his hobbies, entitled A Magnificent Farce (Putnam. 25s. net). The......
A Pastorale.t
Ma. ClIARLES SIMPSON is an artist who has devoted himself to the study of birds and animals, but now he has written and illustrated a short work in which the literary and......