Secondary Choice
Sir: 1 see that Mr St John-Stevas has been at it again, perpetuating the hoary old myth that comprehensives and grammar schools can coexist harmon iously. A comprehensive school......
Getting It Right Sir: A Story Appeared In A Recent
issue of Your periodical saying that there were conflicting explanations as to the reasons for Mr Robert Shaw not being in M iss Production of Brief Encounter with miss Sophia......
Sir: Having been an enforced absentee from London concert halls for the last thirty years I took the opportunity recently of going to hear a much respected pianist give a......
Market Matters
Sir: Ernst Albert (September 9) is fundamentally wrong in believing that Britain may not withdraw honourably from the Common Market. Much of his article is spent in sound......
Sir: Impressive As Mr Ernst Albert's Argument May Be About
the irreversible nature of Britain's commitment to the Treaty of Rome, there is to my mind the answer that Parliament is not in fact absolute and that it exceeded its powers in......
Sir: Dr Sargent criticises the author of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A Bondage of Opium for her lack of medical qualificadons. I would question Dr Sargant's literary......
Driven Snow
Sir: Mr Gale (September 7) has argued that the unions are innocent of causing inflation, 'pure white as the driven snow'. If we take this analysis further, I think we may ask......