21 NOVEMBER 1925, page 18

[to The Editor Of The Specrxron.1 Sint,—will You Allow Me

to call attention to one valuable agency by which the clergy can be helped to answer the call of the Archbishop to read more, in order that they may improve the quality: of......

Australian Song Birds

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Sir W. Beach Thomas does well to criticize Mr. Will Ogilvie's incomplete description of our . Australian birds, especially of our song......

The Modest British Merchant

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Since I have been in England, I have had the oppor- tunity of meeting a great many of Britain's leading manu- facturers—mostly those whose......

The Future Zoo [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sue,—Criticism of the Zoo is much to the fore. Those of us who happen to be Fellows of long standing appreciate the pre- sent Gardens in view of the past, and look forward to a......

The English In India [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sin, — I have just had an invitation to subscribe to the Spectator, and one thing I like about the Spectator is that it is fair-minded. It is not High Church, but it allows High......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sin,—I have been waiting to this length for some Australian ornithologist to point out the omission from the contributions of Messrs. Ogilvie and Ramsay of what every " dinkum......