21 MAY 1836, page 15

Lord Stanley's Vote On The Aberdeen Schools Bill.

LORD STANLEY gave a vote on Monday which marks his adhesion to the very worst portion of the Tory party. It will be recollected that the Aberdeeti Public Schools Bill,......

Dr. Crotch's "captivity Of Judah."

Jr was known for some years previous to its performance, that the author of Pakstine bad written another oratorio; and the installation of the Duke of WELLINGTON offered a fit......

The Remedy For Intimidation.

THF:RE was a great deal of talk in the House of Commons on Tuesday respecting the intimidation of electors. On one side, the persecution of tenantry by landlords—the threats,......

The Early English Opera.

MR. EDWARD TAYLOR has just finished the delivery of a course of Lectures on the early English Opera, at the Royal Institution is Albemarle Street. His concluding lecture, on......