21 JULY 1883, page 13

The French In Tamatave. (to The Editor Of The "

BracrAron."1 SIR,—You think the" Shaw affair" not very important, because, you say, there may be evidence of imprudeoces. Is it quite fair to say that ? Is Mr. Shaw's case......

The Defeated Ennerdale Railway.

A LL lovers of English Lakeland and all believers in the need of keeping the few Dales left to us inviolate for the rest and pleasure of weary England will owe a debt of lasting......

- Letters To The Editor.

THE SUEZ CANAL AND SELFISHNESS. (TO THE EDITOR OF TILE "SPECTATOR.) SIR,—It appears that the Government have made the best bargain they could with bard-headed monopolists in the......

Mr. Bradla.ugh And The Blasphemy Laws.

LTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPEC TATOR."] SIR,—You would not, I am sure, wish to do an injustice even to "such a man" as Mr. Bradlaugh. Allow me, therefore, to assure you that Mr.......