No. 1560: The Lesser Breeds
You are invited to write a poem (maximumn 16 lines) celebrating one of the less publi- cised inmates of a zoo — the potto, the ocelot, the iguana, the bird-eating spider, for......
A first prize of £20 and two further prizes of £10 for the first three correct solutions opened on 6 February. Entries to: Crossword 892, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street,......
The strange bet Jaspistos I . n Competition No. 1557 you were in- vited to write a short story of 750 - 800 Words with the above title. 'A teenage boy in Coventry, Rhode Island,......
Solution To Christmas Jumbo (unclued Lights In Capitals)...
associations: 13 STAR-OF-BETHLEHEM (5 IRIS, 90 FLEUR- DE-LIS,Iilies); 38 WAITS (21 ATTENDS, 69 POSTPONES, synonyms); 68 HOLY FAMILY (37 SACRED, 71 KINDRED, components); 59 BELL......