Mr. Lloyd George On The Housing Question. Ito The Editor
OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, — The letter of "Experto Crede" published in the Spectator of December 7th seeks to enlighten you upon some aspects of the health of the working......
Goethe And Goldsmith.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOT1: . ] SIR,—The greatest European man of letters of his age, Goethe, in his Autobiography records how deeply he was indebted to the author of......
Mommsen On Roman Imperialism And Modern Autocracy.
[To eas EDITOR or THE " SPF.CTATOR."] SIR, — There may be many readers interested in the recalling or passage in Mommsen which touches upon the question of the validity of the......
The Wonderful Wealth Of The Ocean.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Long ere this reaches you I trust more capable pens than mine will have intervened to show the other side of the canvas which Mr.......