Russia's New Armies
The announcement that the U.S.S.R. is to reduce the recruiting age to 19 over the next three years, giving her 1,000,000 new recruits by 1939, has had its inevitable reaction in......
Quebec Changes Colour
The overwhelming defeat of the Liberals in the Quebec provincial elections is a strange business, for which a number of different factors, personal, racial and political, are......
The Overtures To Poland General Gamelin, The Head Of The
French General • Staff, has left Warsaw, and it is difficult as yet to discover what is the outcome of his talks there with General Rydz Smigly. It appears indeed that there is......
Nanking And Canton General Chiang Kai-shek Appears To...
a signal victory over the " anti-Japanese " movement prepared in the Southern Provinces of Kwangsi and Kwangtung. Now for the first time in ten years at Canton, he has sent an......
The Reform Of The League The Receipt At Geneva Or
a French Note on the subject is an opportune reminder that the reform of the League is the most important item down for consideration when the Assembly meets in September. At......
Mr. Roosevelt And The World President Roosevelt's...
Chautauqua a week ago was well timed for his own country. The rebuke to covenant-breaking nations was, of course, badly needed, and Mr. Roosevelt linked it with an unequivocal......
The Improvement In Trade The Board Of Trade Returns For
July are more encouraging than had been expected. The rise in imports continues steadily ; at £69,000,000 they were £7,000,000 higher than in July, 1935, and in the first seven......