21 APRIL 1906, page 15

The Late Colonel Henderson And The History Of The Boer

WAR. [To TRZ EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — In your issue of April 7th is a letter signed "Z." It takes your reviewer of the " German Official Account of the War in South......

Coal-mining Disasters.

[To TRY EDITOR OP TER "SPECTATOL "] SIR, — The awful catastrophe in the French coal-mining centre, with its appalling loss of life, is but little alleviated by the recovery of a......

"interscholar" Correspondence And Modern Language Teaching.

[To ras EDITOR OF TER "srscrAroa."] Sin,—Seeing that you have on several occasions published letters in connection with the study of modern languages, I would be grateful if you......

Oxford Exhibition Op Historical Portraits.

[To THE EDITOR OP TIM 'SPECTFATOR.1 SIne■Will you kindly repeat the privilege which you granted to me last year, and allow me through your columns to call the attention of your......