A Reminder.
[To THE EDITOR OP TOE "SPECTATOR.-] Sir.,—Perhaps some of your readers may like to be reminded of a wise man's wisdom on points that are of special interest to-day :— " There is......
(to The Editor Of Tue " Sprevcroa.") Sir,—in The Shrewsbury
School " Regestum Scholarium " (1502-1635) the first list (of two hundred and eighty-nine names) gives the name " George " twelve times. The sur- names are Howell, Roles,......
Municipal Trading.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sut,—In the Spectator of April 7th your correspondent, Mr. Alfred F. Buxton, states, with reference to so-called "municipal trading," that......
St. George Of England.
[To TILE ED/TOR or TIM "Sermerort. - ] SIR,—Mr. Stone asks in the Spectator of April 7th, " Was there ever an Englishman who named his son George before the Hanoverian......
The So - Called " Stupid " Officer.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] SIR,—Is the average British officer really stupid? Unwilling as Britain needs must be to admit the impeachment, she is in a strait oetween two......
Rooks In Hyde Park.
[To rus EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR:] SIR,—Has our old friend the rook (corrus frugivorus) returned to the Park It has been said that he took fright on the introduction into London......
[to Ter Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir,—some Years Ago I
transcribed a Tallage Roll of Bristol of the year 1$12. It is not perfect, but still contains the names of one thousand and seventy-three men. They bore between them fifty-nine......