20 OCTOBER 1967, page 28

Public Ends And Private Means

Sir: May a fellow member of the Social Services Group of the Monday Club be permitted to com- ment on Mr Alan Smith's letter (22 September)? It may be true that all parties are......

Clement Attlee

Sir: Christopher Hollis (13 October) alludes, de- li g htfully, to the brevity of Lord Attlee's letters. I think I must have received the shortest one that even he ever wrote. I......

Sir: Lord Attlee's Conversation May At Times Have Been...

but there is nothing unpredictable about the example Mr Hollis quotes (13 October). Prizegivings at South Shields, then as now, were held in the early afternoon and the best way......

King George's Surgeon

Sir: Sir Denis Brogan in his 'Table Talk' (13 Octo- ber), refers to my late friend and colleague, Sir James Learmonth, under your heading 'Kin g George's surgeon.' Sir Denis's......