20 OCTOBER 1917, page 21

History Of The Family Of Maestwell (mansell, Mengel). By...

P. Statham. Vol. I. (Kagan Paul. 42e. net.)—This elaborate family history, based on materials collected by Colonel C. A. Maunsell, belongs to the old school rather than the now,......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Notice is this estunas dm. Int necessarily peseta" embusses's! rseics.1 The &Wash Ilia:orient Review for October (Glasgow : J. MacLehoso and Sons, 2s. Od. net) contains is most......

The Head Of The Family. By Mrs. Henry Dudeney. (methuen

and Co. Ss. net.)—There are few contemporary writers who are able to leave as poignant and living a picture on the minds of their readers as Mrs. Dudeney. The parlour at the......

History Of The Abbey Of St. Alban. By L. F.

Rushbrook Williams (Longman and Co. 7s. 6d. not.)—This is an interesting and work- manlike history of one of the greatest monastic foundations of mediaeval England. Little is......

Readable Novels.—..4 Marriage For Two. By James Blyth....

6s.)—A story much concerned with the financial upsid e. downs of the war, in which the poor are made rich and vire erred. The chapters which deal with the war in France are not......

Trial Of Sir Roger Casement. Edited By G. Ii. Knott,.

(Edin- burgh and London : Hodge. 7s. Od. net.)—This now volume of the "Notable Trials Series" contains a verbatim report of the pro- ceedings in Casement's ease, based on the......


THE LOST NAVAL PAPERS. * SINCE the passing of Monsieur Lecoq of happy memory there has been no such masterly figure in official detective circles as that of Chief Inspector......

The Glastonbury Lake Village.*

THE labour of recording the discoveries at the lake village near Glee- tonbury has now been finished by the publication of the second volume of the work dealing with this most......

The Little That Is Good. Byherold Bogbie. (cassell Andco....

net.) —Walt Whitman's phrase about, "the little that is good steadily hastening towards immortality" is not, perhaps, the moot fitting title for these stories of Ragged School......