Bertie Bray. By The Author Of Sir Victor's Choice. Two
vols. (John Maxwell and Co.)—.A. rather slight story, in which the author's inevitable captain of cavalry, very beautiful and very contemptible, but strangely dear to the......
'146 Fortnightk Review. No. L (chapman And Hall.)—there...
and poor papers in this number—two very good ones. Mr. Bagehot has written a masterly paper on the Cabinet, which we discuss else- where. Mr. M. D. Conway has given a clear and......
A Book Of Thoughts. By "h. A." (macmillan And Co.)—a
pretty little volume of extracts from eminent writers, English, French, and German, with translations of the two latter classes. They are mostly moral and didactic, and are well......
A Biographical Memoir Of Samuel Hartlib, With A Reprint Of
his pamphlet entitled "An Invention of Engines of Motion." By H. Dircks, Esq. (John Russell Smith.)—A scholarlike little monograph, giving all the information that can be given......