20 MARCH 1926, page 10


As I read in my morning paper on Monday that during the week-end people in London had talked with people in New York on the telephone- from their - home, my memory flew back......

Those Who Have Advocated A Tax On _betting Will Be

interested to learn that last year, according to the Toronto correspondent of the Times, the Government of the Province of Ontario derived nearly £600,000 from race- tracks and......

The March Issue Of The Round Table Contains An Article

on " The Next Imperial Conference " that should be read by everyone interested in the future of the Empire. Nowhere have I seen the crucial problem summed up more tersely : "......

Last Week I Met Professor . Salvemini, The Anti-fascist,...

living in London. This Italian professor is very much a persona non grata with the present Italian Govern- merit: The Fascist organ Impero (as reported by the Times) after......

The Daily Mail Mission Of Enquiry Into Industrial...

the United States and the secret of the high wages there is having a busy time inspecting the, large industrial plants in the Eastern States. The enquirers appear to be much......

Moon Beliefs And Modern Biology

M OON beliefs are legion. Almost all human activities have in turn been supposed to be influenced by the moon. This is not at all surprising. The moon's rhythm is one of the......