University Salaries Think There Is A Certain Amount Of...
about university salaries, to which your remarks last week might seem to lend support. It is perhaps worth making clear that, in Oxford and Cambridge at least, only a small......
The Blot In The Scutcheon Sir.—in Reply To Mr. Huxtable's
enquiry in the Spectator of December 23rd, " the blot in the scutcheon " probably refers to the heraldic " abatement of honour," a system of stains of various shapes placed on......
A Pension Paradox
SIR.—Your Dumfriesshire correspondent refers to the " self-employed " under-sixty-fives. But what of the self-employed over-sixty-fives? Not even the magic of N.I. 28 can do......
Blanket Legislation Sir,—brave Sir William Hamilton Fyfe...
round while laying blankets if, whenever completely stripping the bed for sheet-changing, he lays aside his blankets folded down their middles, thus making a line to serve as......
Sir,—some Grateful Manufacturer' Will Surely Present A...
blankets with one stripe down the middle free, gratis and for nothing to Sir William Hamilton Fyfe for his own bed, in return for this brilliantly simple suggestion of his to......
Service Courts Martial Sir,—i Cannot Let Mr. Eyre's...
Army courts martial pass without a reply. Although I have no experience of courts martial in the Army, 1 have sat on many, both as a member and later as a president, in the......
Propaganda And The Election
SIR,—Mr. Cole and 1 may differ on a question of opinion, but we must not differ on questions of fact. One of the British sugar refiners com- plaints is that plans were made to......
English Teaching In Egypt Slit,—mr. John Bray's Article,...
Egypt, in the Spectator' of January 6th, raises points of considerable interest and importance, bu unfortunately gives an incomplete and, in some respects, an inaccurat picture.......