First To The Pole
Su,—I was much interested to read Mr. Brock's letter in defence of Peary's claim to have reached the North Pole. I spent the summer of 1909 on the west coast of Newfoundland,......
The Nurses' Case
Snt,—Much puolicity has been given in recent weeks to nurses, their' needs and their claims. Some of these claims have been referred to as out of proportion to the nation's......
The Crowded Prisons
Sut,—Mr. R. H. Cecil's excellent article in The Spectator of August 13th does not suggest a remedy for our overcrowded-prisons, which are likely to remain in this very......
The Children Of Greece
SIR,—On careful analysis the statements in Canon Howard's letter in your issue of July 30th boil down to an unnamed acquaintance of his asserting that 10,000 Greek children live......
The Advance Of Oil
Sin,—In The Advance of Oil in your issue of August 13th, Mr. A. L. B. Philip referring to the Petroleum Times' Review of Middle East Oil said: "Today Abadan is the largest......
Kipling As Story-teller
SIR, —Professor Bonamy Dobree's admirable appreciation of Kipling as poet and story-teller wins our gratitude and must lead us with pleasant expectancy to Mr. Rupert......