20 APRIL 1872, page 3

We Are Requested To State That The Family Of The

late Rev. F. D. Maurice will be very grateful to any friends who will intrust them with letters, as an aid in the preparation of a Memoir. The letters will be copied and......

Sir Wilfrid Lawson On Friday Week Moved An Address Praying

Her Majesty to withdraw from all Treaties of intervention. These treaties are fifteen in number, and bind us to maintain the independence of Greece, of Portugal, of Switzerland,......

We Wonder When The European Delusion About The Gentleness Of

the male elephant will be dissipated. He is one of the most malignant of beasts, and according to the records of the great In- dian stables almost invariably kills his keeper,......

The Pope Has Condemned The Intolerance Of The French Ultra-

montanes, and recommended them to cultivate charity, "without which one cannot be a true Catholic." M. Louis Veuillot, the editor of the Univers, very humbly and rightly fits......

Mr. Maurice's Death Is Felt Deeply Far Beyond The Circle

usually affected by the loss of even the most earnest and eloquent clergy- men. The Co-operative Congress at Bolton passed a resolution expressing its deep regret for the loss......

Marguerite Dixblane, The Cook Who Murdered Madame Riel In...

Lane, has been arrested in Paris, and has confessed her crime, alleging, however, that it was committed out of revenge and not for money. She affirms that her mistress abused......

The Observer Says That Mr. Bright Has Been Asked To

accept the Duchy of Lancaster, with a seat in the Cabinet, but that it is doubtful whether his health will permit him to take upon himself the responsibilities of office, even......

The Endowed Schools' Commissioners Have Published Their...

is a very important document, not only for the principles which it lays down, but for its delineation of the extra- -ordinary difficulty of their task. They point out that they......

Mr. Gladstone Has Given Notice That On The Motion That

the House go into Committee on Mr. Fawcett's Trinity College, Dublin, Bill, which is put down for Tuesday, Lord Hartington will move an instruction to the Committee to divide it......

Lothair, Otherwise The Marquis Of Bute, Was Married On Tues-

day to Lady Corisande, Miss Gwendoline Howard, daughter of Lord Howard of Glossop. The ceremony was performed by Cardinal Grandison, Archbishop Manning ; mass was said by......

Consols Were On Friday 924 To 924.
