We Must Warmly Commend The Enterprise Of Messrs. Eveleigh...
and Grayson in starting a new series of reprints at a moderate price. The first six volumes of " Nash's Great Novel Library " are Almayer's Folly by Mr. Conrad, The Four......
Things Seen In Florence. By E. Grierson. (seeley,...
6d. net.)—This little book, pleasantly written and well illustrated, deserves special commendation because it is not concerned with art galleries and churches. Nothing......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does net necessarily preclude subsequent review.] Tun OCTOBER ManAzirrus.—Colonel John Ward opens the Nineteenth Century with some plain words about " The......
El Inca (jarcilasso De La Vega. By Julia...
Society of America : H. Milford. 5s. net.)—This is an attractive little essay by a competent hand on " the first South American who has won for himself a permanent place in the......
Creole Families Of New Orleans. By Grace King. (mac- Millan.
30s. net.)—Miss King's local knowledge and enthusiasm have enabled her to collect much interesting information about the leading French families of New Orleans, which was......
The September Issue Of The Journal (5s. Net) Of The
Marine Biological Association at Plymouth contains an important Paper by Miss Marie Lebour on " The Larval and Post-larval Stages of the Pilchard, Sprat and Herring," based on......
British Heraldry. By Cyril Davenport. (methuen. Lls....
devotes his brief opening chapter to the early developments of heraldry and to the Heralds' College, and then gives an outline of the art, with the principal terms used. Two-......