Abdurrahman Khan Defeated His Rival, Ayoub, Before Can-...
September 22nd. By a bold movement the Ameer placed his troops between Candahar and Herat, and so forced Ayoub to come out and give him battle. Ayoub had with him about 15,000......
The French Government Is Still Forwarding Immense Numbers...
to Tunis and Algiers. On Monday, 2,600—not 26,000, as reported—set sail from Toulon for Tunis, and during the week 10,000 were despatched from Marseilles. The Generals in the......
The French Are About, It Is Believed, To Embark In
an enter- prise which may turn oat as difficult as the conquest of Tunis. Reinforcements are being sent to Cochin China, and it is expected that the King of Anam will be......
The French Chamber Will, It Is Believed, Though It Is
not quite settled, meet on the 17th October, when the Ministry,. in order to leave the President free, will tender their resigna- tions. It is thought probable that M. Grevy,......
NEWS OF THE WEEK A TELEGRAM was received in London on Monday, an- nouncing that the Volksraad of the Transvaal had rejected the British Convention, and in subsequent tele- grams......