Other Novels.—julie Cane. By Harvey O'higgins. (jonathan...
net.)—Mr. Harvey O'Higgins' short stories have led British readers to expect a good deal from his writing, and, although his first long novel is not on so original a model as......
Mr. Leland Buxton, His Publisher Tells Us, Possesses...
which makes him competent to describe life in a Crown Colony. This is not a particularly reassuring fact to the Imperialist reader, for the author gives us a rather too vivid......
Finance-public & Private.
[BY OUR CITY EDITOR.] AN ECONOMIC STOCK TAKING. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] should like to draw the attention of those of your readers who are interested in a clear and......
A PROVINCIAL PANORAMA. Married Life. By Conal O'Riordan. (Collins. 7s. 6d.) IN Bly Market Mr. Bernard Gilbert has attempted to recon- struct a day in the life of a West Midland......