Parliament Reassembled On Monday. The House Of Lords,...
has not yet applied itself seriously to business. Earl GREY made his first appearance for the season on Thursday, and declared his opinion on the state of the country. His......
Prince Leopold Has Arrived In London From Paris ; A
circum- stance which has given rise to some gossip in the French prints, about his Royal Highness having broken off the negotiations with the Allies to which he was a party. The......
Led To A Desultory Conversation 011 The Merits Of The
Bill itself. The Weld; members, generally, intimated their disapprobation of it. Mr. JONES re- marked, that the Bill was but a tissue of blunders ; and that as the Courts of......
The Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EvENINo.—Notwithstanding the disappoint- ment of the public hopes of the King's immediate recovery, and the anxiety with which his protracted......