News Of The Week
P ARLIAMENT has been active during the week, despite the dedication of Wednesday to the " Isthmian games." The public interest, of course, was chiefly centred in the debate on......
The Prospects Of Peace Have Decidedly Increased, Two At...
of Lord Palmerston's "half-dozen very respectable wars " having been taken out of the list. The French troops, for example, are really recalled from Syria, in spite of a protest......
The American Quarrel Advances Slowly, Both Parties...
towards Virginia as their first battle-field. Perhaps the most noteworthy fact of the week is the distinct evidence of Mr. Russell on the unanimity and desperation of the South.......
Iseriss.-our Isttelligence. From The States Extends To...
but adds little to previously received reports. The President is still only preparing for the conflict, but the obstacles witich im- pede the collision are being rapidly......
Just At This Moment The European Nations Have But Two
wars on hand, one a war of defence waged by the British in New Zea- land, and the other a war of conquest commenced by the French in Cochin China. Of the former we have nothing......