1 FEBRUARY 2003, page 26

Great British Disease

From Katharine Ristich Sir: The statistics that Anthony Browne cites (1-low the government endangers British lives', 25 January) for HIV and tuberculosis among Britain's......

Savings In The House

From Judge David Q. Miller Sir: Peter Oborne (Politics, 25 January) writes of housing allowances wrongly claimed by Michael Trend, MP. Over the years, Members of Parliament have......

Let's Bury The Lib Dems

From Mr Kenny Mizzi Sir: Simon Heffer ("The dustbin party', 18 January) says that disaffected Tory voters should not look towards the Lib Dams. As a person who left the Tories......

Flood Facts

From Charles Hendry. MP Sir: Rod Liddle (Thought for the day, 18 January) clearly subscribes to the old dictum not to let the facts get in the way of a good story. I understand......

Bunyan In Oz

From Mr P.M. Lawrence Sir: Peter Hitchens CA labour of loathing', 18 January) asserts that Philip Pullman is writing a sort of inversion of C.S. Lewis's Narnia books, tracking......

Taki Nonsense

From Mr Martin Foakes Sir: I did enjoy reading Taki's unusually perceptive notes on the root causes of British thuggery (High life. 11 January). I had no idea that social......