1 FEBRUARY 1992, page 25

Somebody Cares

Sir: Mathew Parris, (Politics, 25 January) unwittingly highlighted an essential factor in the failure of policy towards Northern Ireland when he said: 'In seven years as a......


Sir: Why the surprise that testicles are eaten in Kenya and in Wyoming? (Letters, 18 January). Here in France, 20 or 30 years ago, they were often on menus under the euphemistic......

Also Sprach Jeeves

Sir: How could you permit your reviewer of P.J. Kavanagh's Book of Consolations (18 January) to begin with a reference to Jeeves finding Schopenhauer 'fundamental- ly unsound'?......

Missing Years

Sir: Thanks to my personal publicist Jeffrey Bernard, your readers are doubtless aware that I am writing his biography for Christo- pher Sinclair-Stevenson, who is otherwise......

Obvious, Really

Sir: In her splendid piece on the absurdities of Japanese translation, (The garbled phrase as frozen music', 4 January), Debo- rah Boehm admits to being particularly baf- fled......

Sir Sincerity

Sir: I do not know whether Simon Cour- tauld underwent army officer training (`To Sir or not to Sir', 4 January), but if he did do so, he would be well aware of further nuances......

Annoying Noise

Sir: Candida Crewe's interview with me Nods and angels nowhere', 18 January) took place, as she describes, on a train — and not an empty one. She says that our fellow-passengers......

Sir: Concerning Enoch Powell's Proposal For The...

Ireland with Great Britain: 1. Is abortion to be legalised in Northern Ireland or banned in Great Britain? 2. Is trial by jury to be reinstated in Northern Ireland for terrorist......

Exhibit A

Sir: As any golfer knows, and so would P. D. James (`The Mistletoe Murder', 21/28 December) if she had hefted the clubs, a driver is not the club to use to bash in any- one's......