Colonel Burnaby's Balloon Voyage To France Ended Success-...
week, the balloonist descending in a meadow near the Chateau de Montigny, in Normandy, after an eight hours' voyage. The adventure showed great pluck, and so far as we can see,......
Some Irish Landlord Has Been Hoaxing The Editor Of Truth,
who in his issue of March 23rd tells the following anecdote. An Irish landlord, meeting a tenant who owed hini considerable arrears of rent, said :—" Well, Mick, when are you......
The Medical Profession Held A Great Meeting On Tuesday, To
found an association for medical research ; in other words, for investigations of any kind, including those on living animals, and those involving the infliction of pain on......
A Meeting Was Held In The Library Of The Archbishop
of Canterbury's Palace at Lambeth on Wednesday afternoon, to found a Lambeth Branch of that most useful "Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants," domiciled at......
The Poet Longfellow Died On Friday Week, At Cambridge,...
at the age of 75. We have given our estimate of him as a poet in another column. He was intended for the law, his father's profession, but early showed a strong inclina- tion......
Thirty Years Hence, English Fortunes Will Appear Very...
with American. The money-makers of the United States work over a much larger area, and continue making it for longer periods of time. Already no English fortune quite rivals Mr.......
S. Magliani, Finance Minister Of Italy, On The 25th Ult.
produced a regular prosperity Budget. The taxes are yielding so much better, that the revenue of 1881, which was expected to show a surplus of £320,000, showed one of......
Lord Kimberley Has Been More Successful In His Management...
the dispute about Basutoland than was expected. The Cape Colonists appeared determined either to resign that territory to the Crown, or to govern it as they pleased, their......