Lower Canada And The Colonial Office.
THE apology of the Colonial Office for the intended violation of the constitution of Lower Canada is, that the King gave up cer- tain hereditary revenues of the Crown, in the......
Qualification For A Bishopric.
THE Times assures its readers that it was formerly the practice both of Whig and Tory Bishop-makers to select clergymen who were distinguished not only by " li,tr,ily rank, and......
The Poor-law And The Corn - Law.
THE evidence which accompanies the First Report of the Poor - , law Committee, appears to estal&sh the following facts, in refe- rence to West Sussex; and beyond that part of......
Plunder Of Tiie Church.
MR. DUNCOMBE, we hope, will persevere in his motion for "copies of all the Parliamentary Surveys of Church-lands, made in 1646, and deposited by Parliament in the library of......