18 MAY 1944, page 2

Labour On Full Employment

A report has been prepared for submission to the Labour Party Conference setting forth a national policy for full employment. Much of the programme covers ground on which there......

The I.l.o. At Philadelphia

The spirit Of internationalism on the widest scale has been asserted at Philadelphia in the first conference of the International Labour Organisation since the outbreak of war.......

Marshal Tito's Claims

Visited by a British and an American journalist at his headquarters in the Yugoslav mountains, Marshal Tito made an impressive state- ment about the composition of his forces......

The French "provisional Government"

_ A dignified debate on foreign policy in the French Consultative Assembly in Algiers closed with what is described as an unexpected resolution that the Committee of National......

Delegated Powers

The discussion in the House of Commons on Wednesday regard- ing the House's rights in the matter of delegated powers could not well have been more satisfactory. It showed men of......