As A Postscript I Ought To Add That There Is
a strong feeling on all sides over the treatment of refugees and aliens. Some action will be necessary immediately.......
In The Absence Of Mr. Tom Williams, The Only Labour
front- bencher with any knowledge of agriculture, Lord Wolmer wound up for the improvised Opposition, only to find Mr. Williams himself replying for the Government, which he did......
Sir John Anderson Introduced An Innocent Little Bill On...
called Emergency Powers (Defence) (No. 2). Appar- ently the object of the Bill is to avoid the necessity of establishing military courts. But, as he unfolded his plans bit by......
He Overseas Migration
However convincing the Government's reasons, voiced by It. Attlee on Tuesday, for the suspension of the scheme for e migration of children to the Dominions and the United tates......
The Scottish Debate Was Introduced By Mr. Ernest Brown, Who
is neither a Scotsman nor a farmer. Why must we con- tinue to put politics before national interests? Scottish rural Members enlivened the discussion, but, as in England, no......
Hreatened Music
The London Philharmonic Orchestra, deprived at the out- eak of war of the financial support of its wealthy patrons, ved itself from dissolution by reconstituting itself on a......
Erves About Morale
There are rather disturbing signs that the authorities who ke it their business to stimulate or sustain public morale er from more agitation of mind themselves than the pulace......
The Week In Parliament
Our Parliamentary correspondent writes: —On Thursday Mr. Hudson, the new Minister of Agriculture, earned the approbation of Mr. Lloyd George for his first Parliamentary defence......