19 JULY 1851, page 11

The Speakers In The French Assembly On Thursday Were M.

Pascal Duprat, who spoke for the Republic ; M. de Larochejaquelin, who spoke for Henry the Fifth ; and Victor Hugo, who made a very Red speech. It caused a total change in the......


SATURDAY. The appearance of Alderman Salomons, newly elected Member for Greenwich, occasioned a scene in the House of Commons last night. Introduced by Mr. J. A. Smith and Sir......

The "procession Of The Flitch Of Bacon" At Dumnow Took

place on the 16th, in Lord Maynard's park. A great concourse assembled. Lord May- nard afterwards "gave a treat" to 300 children in the park. Gayety and jollity......

Larrigu Anti Enluninl.

FRANC'E. —The debate in the French Assembly on the revision of the Constitution began on Monday. The proceeding was opened by M. Dupin ; who counselled calmness and attention,—a......

At The Nomination For Scarborough, Yesterday, The Sliow...

was in favour of Mr. George Frederick Young. A poll was demanded on behalf of Lord Mulgrave. The agricultural meeting at Windsor wound up, yesterday, with a good dinner to 1,800......



A petition to the Queen, for the restoration, at the first fitting oppor- tunity, of the separate and distinct see of Gloucester, is said to have been very numerously signed in......

Mr. Hertz's Collection Of Antiquities.

On Saturday last we were favoured with an admission to the very ex- tensive and valuable collection of works of art and vertii formed by Mr. Hertz, at No. 11 Great Marlborough......