19 DECEMBER 1958, page 17

Spanning The Great Divide

was, as Dr. Hemmings guessed, delighted that my article 'Spanning the Great , Divide' should draw a little fire. .. (1) Certainly Keele's advantage in having four years instead......

Letters To The Editor

The LCC David nuclei , Wolfenden Debate W. Lyon Blease, R. B. Browning Jazz Kenneth Al/sop Spanning the Great Divide Prof. Antony Flew The Church of England and Divorce Rev. W.......

Woleenden Debate Sir,—is The Fight Between Michael Foot...

a private fight or may any reader of the Spectator join in? In the latter case, will you permit me to express my surprise at the answer which Pharos gives to the charge against......

Jazz Sir,—ii Is A Bit Baffling To Have To Reply

to someone contradicting things you never said and arguing about points on which there is no apparent disagreement. Still, I'll try to make clear to Mr. Max Harrison : That I......

Sir,—ii Is Difficult To Resist A Reply To Mrs. Asrfland's

letter in which she studiously avoids the _use of the word 'pervert' for 'homosexual.' This seems to oe the fashion among those who want to see perversion legalised; but at......
