Gooseberry Greed.
A curious little incident in natural history occurred the other day in my garden. I had transplanted a gooseberry bush, moving it some fifty yards : that and no more. Within two......
The Burying Habit.
Let that burning question—the morality of the grey or Carolina squirrel—give place for a week to observation of its normal habits. In one garden (in Wimbledon) these squirrels......
What Would Such A Scheme Cost ? The Figures Have
been worked out very carefully. To provide half a pint of pure milk a day to children of school age would cost 15s. a head a year. The money would be an investment bringing......
Tun Hope Of The Farm.
That is the first point. The second is that we consume in Britain less milk by a very large margin than any other people. To give one exact comparison. The Swedes drink a......
Did Ever Social Reformers Have So Good Or So Easy
an oppor- tunity of doing immediate good wholesale ? There are no difficulties in the way. If the State, hand in hand with the local education authorities, would provide, say,......
With Them Would Be Coupled The Minister Of Agriculture. This
extra consumption of milk would do more than increase the number of cows in Britain and add to the prosperity of the farmer, for even as things are the milk producer has paid......
Country Life
THE SECRET OF HEALTH'. An eminent authority in Scotland, who was much interested in recent discussions in this place on "The Oslo Breakfast," urges me to put forward a definite......
Greedy Birds.
The appetite and digestion of birds have astonished many of us. Even that romantic bird, the woodcock, will consume its own weight of food within twenty-four hours : and most......