19 AUGUST 1876, page 3

The Evidence Of The Duke Of Cambridge Before The Royal

Commission on Promotion admits practically that the system in future must be seniority tempered by rejections. The whole body of the Army dislikes selection, and distrusts the......

Surgeon-major W. R. Cornish, Of The Madras ,army, In A

Atter to the Times on the demand for silver in India, makes a statement which ought not to pass uncontradicted:—" We are all apt,to forget that it is only a few years ..no since......

The Not` Tivatisadllertadarepette That 4he Chinese...

to punish the Governor of Yunnan for the Aatirder of - Mr. Margary,-and-that Sir Thomas Wade has deemed it best to -interrupt negotiations and visit Tientsin, to discuss Affairs......

There Is Still A Paper In Existence, The National...

of Leeds, which contends for the innocence of the "Claimant," and maintains that votes should be given to one candidate or another according to his bias towards the Tichborne......

The Tories Have Lost The Seat For Carmarthen, Where Mr.

Cowell-Stepney has been returned without a contest, and have been defeated at Leeds by a majority of 2,400. Both victories indicate that the tide of reaction is ebbing, but the......

• Lord Northbrook Repudiates The Idea That We Ought To

support *he Turks in their oppressions because the Mahommedans in India sympathise with their fellow-religionists. At an entertain- ment given him by his former constituents of......

A Correspondent Of The Times Describes A Religious...

which has been founded at Ocean Grove, New Jersey, Apparently as a commercial speculation. The place stands on the sea, and the proprietors own territory stretching about three......

We Regret To Notice The Death Of Mr. E. W.

Lane, the translator of "The Arabian Nights" and the Koran, and the compiler of the "Arabic-English Lexicon." He was an Orientalist of unusual knowledge and experience, and a......

Consols Were On Friday 961 To 961.


Another Serious Attempt Has Been Made To Swim The Channel.

A Mr. Cavil, a " professor" of swimming at Brighton, entered the water at Dover, at 1.30 a.m. on Tuesday, but after swimming for eleven hours, and reaching a point within six......