The Agricultural Labourers.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—Your "Word to Agricultural Labourers" in last Saturday's Spectator will, I trust, have all the greater influence upon those to whom it......
Labour And Capital.
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Si,—In the letter of Mr. Maltrnan Barry there occurs one pas- sage which demands reply, the more because it embodies an error not uncommon......
Educational Endowments And Entrance Scholarships.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—In the Spectator of August 21 you were good enough to publish a letter of mine on the consequences of our competitions for entrance......
Cardinal Manning's String Of "beads."
(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIH,—In last week's issue you say, "The Jewish Church was cer- tainly so far from an infallible Church, that the prophets, who were not......
Work For Educated Women.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") Sin,—May I venture to suggest, to gentlewomen in quest of occu- pation, work in the wards of asylums for the insane? They would find there a......