Letters From Algiers Represent The French Blockade As...
efficient. The French commerce is suffering from the facility with which the cruisers of the Dey sail and return. Colonel Fabvier, the Philhellene, landed al Toulon from Greece,......
Saturday Nrolit.
Information has been received from Dublin, announcing the arrest of Mr. Lawless on Thursday last, upon a charge of riot and sedition at Ballybay, on the 23d of September. Mr.......
The King, On Monday, Was So Completely Recovered From His
late attack of gout, as to be enabled to take an airing in Windsor Park. His 1114jesty also took an airing on Tuesday ; but caught cold, and has since been confined, It has been......
The Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY EVENING.—There have been considerable fluctuations in the value of Stock since our last report ; Consols, which on Saturday last were worth 861, having......