18 NOVEMBER 2006, page 28

Saddam’s ‘parody’ Of A Trial

From Sir Jonah Walker-Smith Sir: When I read the title to Alasdair Palmer’s article, ‘Saddam’s trial shouldn’t be fair’ (11 November), I assumed that it was written with tongue......

Different Conclusions

From Sebastian Calvo Sir: Reading Christopher Caldwell’s analysis of the recent American elections (‘We have lost the war’, 11 November) makes me wonder what exactly remains of......

Outrageous Invention

From Jonathan Headland Sir: J.G. Cluff’s letter (11 November) on The Spectator ’s perceived support for Bush and Blair reinvents history outrageously when he writes, ‘Blair’s......

Resignation Issues

From Guy Millard Sir: I am always a great admirer of Frank Johnson’s column in The Spectator , but on this occasion (Shared opinion, 11 November) I should add a correction to......